Applications for 2025 are now open on this new site
This will replace this existing one shortly.
Members page
Welcome to the members home page. Members content will only show up on the individual pages when one is subscribed, but there are some samples and tasters for you.
Please use these links to access the four main members areas and find out what's on offer for you
Guidelines for Members
We are always delighted to welcome new members to our community. We only have a few simple guidelines for membership. Please be respectful of this place and the other members, particularly if participating in the comment and discussion threads. There are comments under each article for members to have discussions, share articles, photographs and questions pertinent to the article. Please stay on topic.
Please also do not share advertisements on the threads. If you have an article you would like to share or an event you feel might be of interest to the members please send it to We are always delighted to receive articles and are happy to share information about events that are sympathetic to our ethos in our events area of the website. Any comments that are deemed disrespectful will be removed.