Nature Medicine Workshop in Summer
Attend our transformational Nature Medicine training, connect with one's own Nature and the Nature around oneself. Tracing your pathway of natural power upon the Earth, sensing the song-lines and forming a web of sentience. This workshop's themes are; Summer, South, Fire, Growth.
Become a Nature Healing Ally and guide others to have beautifully connective Nature Healing Experiences that touch our very Source of Being in a most practical, tangible and everyday way; bringing healing, peace and a sense of belonging.
Incorporates all the requirements for guiding nature healing within many activities - Forest Bathing - Nature Circles - Explorations of local ecosystems and wilderness - Wild walking in the hills and the beaches - Planting a wild food garden - Caring for a community garden and other natural places - To name but a few and our imagination is the only limit to where we can go with this ...
To hear Nature Whispering one has to really listen with all of one's own Being ... Sensing is listening with all of our senses, even with some senses that we have no name for. This is a profound Nature Healing Event in itself and in the connection with Nature, there is great healing. Next workshop in this series is Sat 21st & Sun 22nd September - Coachford Cork.

This summer solstice workshop
This is a very beautiful time in the teaching gardens here in Magourney with the growth being in full sway, the plants and trees are very outwardly focused and very communitive.
Learn to slip into one's original state of being and enter the realm of living myth awakening to the sovereign story of our Natural Soul.
Work with The Land, sensing its tone and find your own songlines, tracing your own sacred pathways feeling it’s power under the touch of your feet.
Our focus for this weekend ...
When Nature Resonance Medicine occurs a very special mycelium is formed. This mycelium may be linked together in what we call ‘Daisy Chains’ creating very conscious and sentient webs.
These resonating natural patterns are incredibly healing for ourselves and for Nature itself, for this is our true ecological function. We work very closely with the teacher trees and the plants here in Magourney and they are very happy to share their wisdom with you.
Getting to the heart of the matter ...
The wild presence of the present is where the truth is to be found, raw, untrammelled nature, pure like the air after a shower of rain, pure like the waters of the mountain streams. Put all you have learnt, all you have collected and adopted to rest, let yourself be empty and then turn to Nature without expectation and become present.
When one is truly present in one’s own nature within and without, one may experience the nature around one in the same manner, inner and outer. This is the key to perception and communication with all of our relations, being aware is listening, sensing without preconceptions, without an agenda other than hearing.
Now one can sense the stories the trees, the mountains and the wind have to tell you, the stories that are from the ancient beginnings and yet rooted in the present moment. It is here that the solutions to all our problems are to be found. It from here that true spiritual development may be undertaken and in spirit, all may be experienced directly.

Don’t underestimate the simplicity and effectiveness of correct alignment with your natural being, it’s the foundation of all genuine spiritual awareness, development and sovereign power.
In this crisis life on Earth is undergoing it is our only real solution. Those who know this are cooperating with each other now to learn and originate evolutionary solutions, as together we may overcome our solitary limitations ~ Alex
Some links ...
Visit these links to previous event descriptions for further information and reading. We don't post pictures of our participants as these are deep, personal events and privacy are respected.
Nature Resonance Medicine Workshop in Winter '17
Nature Healing Ally Intensive - Spring '18
Fully Booked ...
We are now fully booked for this weekend and have removed the payment option, the next one will be on - Sat 21st & Sun 22nd September - Coachford Cork.
Places are limited and cost €180 each, including course materials with lunch and refreshments provided. Bursaries may be available upon request.
Schedule of the weekend with detailed activities and all requirements will be emailed upon booking.
Course location: Magourney, Coachford, Co. Cork
A certificate is awarded on completion of the course and mentorship and as a qualified Nature Healing Ally, you will be able to design and facilitate your own Nature Healing Events. This is also recognised by holistic insurance companies here in Ireland, details upon request.
Enquiries to
Tel: 021 733 4762
Check out our Nature link for more information.
Information sheets ...
FAQ - NRM-'19 Participation in Nature Resonance training program.pdf
Outline - NRM -'19 - Summer summary program.pdf
Location and accommodation - Local information.pdf
Nature Medicine Ally workshops 2019 ...
Sat 23rd & Sun 24th March 2019 - Coachford Cork.
Sat 15th & Sun 16th June 2019 - Coachford Cork.
Sat 21st & Sun 22nd September - Coachford Cork.