Nature Resonance Medicine Workshop in Autumn
Attend our Nature Medicine Resonance training and learn to communicate with Nature in a deeply satisfying workshop that will empower you in many ways. To deepen your own understanding of your own Nature and your place within the greater Nature, freeing you to become an authentic indigenous natural person. Become a qualified Nature Healing Ally and guide others to have beautifully connective Nature Healing Experiences that touch our very Source of Being in a most practical, tangible and everyday way; bringing healing, peace and a sense of belonging.
Nikki and Alex
Both walking the path of the Bean and the Fear Feasa, qualified, experienced originators and educators. We have launched a new section of our website ... Nature's Wisdom ... to hold the truly comprehensive way of the Natural Wisdom Teachings we are called and honoured to anchor into our localities at this time.

The Workshops
The Seasons ...
The four workshops follow the seasons, connecting us into the Natural cycles of the Land and the Beings around us. We explore the Seasons, the Directions, the Elements and our own stages of growth and maturation in relation to Natures cycles. This workshop's themes are; Autumn, South, Water.
We sit in a circle, like the wheel of the year, and hold a council in an egalitarian and respectful manner, freeing ourselves from the dominator paradigm and building partnership culture. They may be taken as stand-alone or they may also be attended as a series of multi-level training experiences, culminating with the fifth phase of one to one mentoring, for those who wish to become a facilitator of Nature Healing Events.
The workshops will be run on a recurring annual cycle, like the seasons, and therefore may be attended in any order, each one offering a unique seasonal perspective. For those who want to facilitate Nature Healing Experiences, there are a series of participatory experiential assignments to be completed in between workshops which will equip the participant to explore and enhance the engagement and familiarisation with their own bio-region and locality. Individual mentoring is provided and considered an essential aspect of this work.
Can you hear Nature's call to action ...
The Content ...
This weekend we will be beginning with an example of a Nature Healing Event of about 1 to 2 hours and you will experience the sequence first hand, preparing you to go deeper into the various experiences and become familiar with being the Nature Healing Ally. The experiential pathway through the activities that facilitate those special moments and the Meetings with Nature is; Ceremony - Gratitude - Breathing - Releasing - Moving - Sensing - Resonating - Connecting - Emerging.
During the Resonance course, we are working with four experiential transformational initiations that have been named Surrender, Being, Power and Heart, relating to the universal energetics of the overall being. Offered in a unique "Way of Life" configuration to facilitate the healing of the separation of human and nature. We will practice and come to an understanding of how these transformations affect you and enable the development of the Ally.
This is a powerful yet calm medicine that brings deep peace and connection to the Source of Life and opens the door gently to our own inner nature. This, in turn, empowers us to become aware of the inner nature of all living beings around us. We find the Trees and the plants to be so very responsive and generous in their response to us and their guidance is safe and healing.
Some links ...
Visit these links to previous event descriptions for further reading. We don't post pictures of our participants as these are deep, personal events and privacy are respected.
Nature Resonance Medicine Workshop in Winter '17
Nature Healing Ally Intensive - Spring '18
Nature Resonance Medicine Workshop in Summer '18
Book now ...
Places are limited at €180 each, including course materials with lunch and refreshments provided.
Schedule of the weekend with detailed activities and all requirements will be emailed upon booking.
Course location: Magourney, Coachford, Co. Cork
A certificate is awarded on completion of the course and mentorship and as a qualified Nature Healing Ally, you will be able to design and facilitate your own Nature Healing Events. This is also recognised by holistic insurance companies here in Ireland, details upon request.
Enquiries to
Tel: 021 733 4762
Check out our Nature link for more information.
Information sheets ...
FAQ - NRM-'18 Participation in Nature Resonance training program.pdf
Outline - NRM-'18-Autumn summary program.pdf
Location and accomodation - Local information.pdf