A Natural Way …
Preparing for the Summer Solstice - Mon 21st June at 04:32 2021
Today we prepare to mark the mid summertime when the sun appears to stand still in the sky, the longest day and give thanks, and to honour the relationship with the Sun and the Earth, the moons and planets, which creates Life as we know it upon Earth, our home.

Celebrating 7 years with Grá Nádur ...
Relaxing the breathing, one brings one’s awareness to it, relaxing the diaphragm, breathing deep and slow, exhaling, pausing and letting the ebb and flow of the air enter and leave us, like the waves on the shore.
Relaxing the body, one brings one’s awareness to it, feeling each part, each muscle relaxing, becoming conscious of how the body feels. Gradually deepening into the organs, the brain and so on, moving systematically over the whole body.
Relaxing the mind, one brings one’s awareness to it, now one may become aware of what one is thinking more easily in this aware state of being, and how one’s thoughts affect one's feelings too. Allowing thought to rest, one may sense the presence of one’s being, and become present in one’s body.
Relaxing oneself, one brings one’s awareness to it, let the presence speak to you, hear what it feels, what comes from it and move consciously into the nature around you. Use your senses to see, to hear, to touch, to taste and smell the world around, in a conscious way, within and without. Feel the presence of the plants, the trees, the birds, the bees, the winds of the sky, the earth, the river and the sea, the warmth of the Sun, the love of an old friend.
Relaxing and resonating with the presences around you, one brings one’s awareness to it, practice loving and appreciation, gratitude for yourself and for all Life around you. Let yourself go deeper into the presence of it all, this presence is there from the beginning and will be in the end, it’s always there, primordial, authentic, wise and very powerful.
We begin this journey every day, it is the eternal way, and in this presence, we are sustained, nurtured, we receive the wisdom of the living universe, directly, and we become self-reliant, present and aware of all of the conscious beings around us and they teach us what it is to be a human being.
Today we prepare to mark the mid summertime when the sun appears to stand still in the sky, the longest day and give thanks, to honour the relationship with the Sun and the Earth, the moons and planets, which creates Life as we know it upon Earth, our home.
These pictures were taken during Summer Solstice in 2014, by myself, Alex in Grá Nádúr, when I first came to this lovely place.
Please view them by clicking on them, thank you.