Healing the Rift …
High Noon - Summer Solstice 21st June 2021
A sacred place … a beautiful place, a quite place, a peaceful place, in a small field called Sanctuary, along the banks of the river Bann. A private place dedicated to the healing of the rift between nature and humanity, a place of interspecific communication, free of all expectation, free of all cultural appropriation, free to just be itself.

Sanctuary in Grá Nádur ...
A sacred place … a beautiful place, a quiet place, a peaceful place, in a small field called Sanctuary, along the banks of the river Bann. A private place dedicated to the healing of the rift between nature and humanity, a place of interspecific communication, free of all expectation, free of all cultural appropriation, free to just be itself.
Here in this place, we arrive with one intention only, to heal the rift, to mend the circle of Life itself, a place of equity for all beings, for children, women and men, to listen to what the beings of nature within us and around us have to tell us at this time in our human journey.
A place of humility, patience, acceptance, of inquiry, a place we return to the natural human and learn just what that is.
Here we revoke all consent to any subjugation, destruction and desecration of Nature and Life.
Here we invoke the healing of our relationship with Nature and the Community of Life.
At noon today, when the sun is at its zenith, we place the offerings created by a group in this place, Grá Nádúr, embodying the prayer of Healing the Rift between Nature and Humanity.
We invite anybody who feels so inclined to send us their offerings, of natural things, which embody this intention and we will place them into the Earth in this place and in this way we will build an embodied powerful presence towards “Healing the Rift’, creating a place of Transformation and Renewal.
Healing the sacred circle of all peoples and beings on Earth is the core intention and to this end we are taking some inspiration from the Dandelion Manifesto originated by Alison Hawver McDowell.
We will be holding ‘Conversations with Nature’ events during July, August and September, which will continue the further evolution of our recent work, ‘Returning to our Nature, and which will incorporate working with the trees and plants in Grá Nádúr and Nature Resonance Medicine.
This will be part of us putting together an open-source toolkit and the sharing of information and instructional materials on what we have learned to date on this path of Natures Wisdom.
These pictures were taken during Summer Solstice in 2014, by myself, Alex in Grá Nádúr, when I first came to this lovely place. Please view them by clicking on them, thank you.
The Offering ...
So Nikki and I did the Ceremonial Offering and the Spirits of Life came and we were heard and felt. They also told us some things too and these will be shared in due course. This is a beginning and a renewal, we look forward to many gatherings here to embody these intentions. I want to honour Nikki Ellen Savage who made this Tipi and left it in our guardianship for this sacred work, it is a mighty lodge indeed.
The pictures below are from today ...