Mushroom Medicine
With Fred Gillam & Natascha Kenyon
A 2-day introduction to Mushroom Medicine - This 2-day intensive course will cover the basics of:
- Practical identification skills and medicine making
- The role of fungi within the microbiome
- Mechanisms of human–fungal interaction
- The essential biochemistry
- Therapeutic scope and materia medica
- The synergy between herbs and fungi

Fully Booked now
Contact us by email to see if there are cancellations if you are interested, thanks.
First, confirm your booking by email or phone and only then pay your €70 deposit by card, using the blue button just above, and bring the balance to the event or contact us to make alternative payment arrangements. If your payment is successful this page will reload, if not you will get an error page, so please use the back button and retry your payment. Thank you.
Places are limited and cost €200 each, including course materials with lunch and refreshments provided.
Course location: Magourney, Coachford, Co. Cork
Enquiries to Nikki Darrell
Tel: 021 733 4762 and 087 340 2442
Information sheets ...
Location and accommodation;
Presenters website;