Nature Resonance Medicine Ally Training
Becoming a Nature Healing Ally is a journey of rediscovering your own authentic Natural Self. To experience and become proficient with the tried and tested techniques we have developed to guide people to the healing Meetings with Nature. To develop the capacities to perceive what the Nature Beings around us are communicating. To support the natural healing medicine when reciprocal resonance occurs. We have four workshops seasonally every year and they may be taken in any order.
Four weekend workshops - 24th & 25th March 2018 - 23rd & 24th June - 15th & 16th September - 8th & 9th December at Veriditas Hibernica, Coachford, County Cork.
Facilitated by Nikki Darrell & Alex Duffy
Places limited at €180 each, including course certification, light lunch and refreshments provided.
Enquiries to 021 7334762 - Mon - Fri - 10- 5.

"We call upon the spirit of evolution, the miraculous force that inspires rocks and dust to weave themselves into biology. You have stood by us for millions and billions of years - do not forsake us now. Empower us and awaken in us pure and dazzling creativity. " John Seed, co-creator of Council of All Being
The Workshops
The four workshops follow the seasons, connecting us into the Natural cycles of the Land and the Beings around us.
We explore the Seasons, the Directions, the Elements and our own stages of growth and maturation in relation to Natures cycles. The workshop's themes are; Season, Direction, Element.
We sit in a circle and hold a council in an egalitarian and respectful manner, freeing ourselves from hierarchy and the notions promoted by statism and the institutions of the patriarchy. The workshops will be run on a recurring annual cycle and therefore may be attended in any order, each one offering a unique seasonal perspective.
They may be taken as stand-alone or they may also be attended as a series of multi-level training experiences, culminating with a fifth phase centring on Spirit, Presence and Self Reliance, for those who wish to become a facilitator of our Nature Healing events
For those who want to facilitate Nature Healing Experiences, there are a series of participatory experiential assignments to be completed in between workshops which will equip the participant to explore and enhance the engagement and familiarisation with their own bio-region and locality. Individual mentoring is provided and considered an essential aspect of this work.