Covid-19 ... some herbal advice ...
Please note that this is written from the perspective of listening to some very experienced herbalists, the plants and with some attention to research into coronavirus but without too much of a reductionist approach. I will update this article as more information comes through, we are hearing more and more about what amazing medicine the plants that grow on our doorsteps have to offer and needing to evolve new ways of practising in these strange times. Please also note that none of this advice is supposed to substitute seeking the advice and treatment by a health care professional if symptoms indicate this is necessary.

The humble but mighty nettle is now getting the recognition it deserves and has been shown to contain a plant lectin which prevents the virus from replicating in vitro, so time to make nettle soup and nettle pesto and drink nettle tea or gargle with it. Thankfully, the new nettles as starting to shoot up.
See this paper linked for detailed information.
Please see the article written by Nikki linked below for a lot more information about local plants and accessible helpers to use during this crisis ...